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Microbiologia para Cafe

Este Video es en español para productores. En este video, Lucia ofrece un resumen de los conceptos científicos involucrados en el procesamiento del café, centrándose especialmente en la microbiología y la fermentación.

Worms & Germs

This year’s workshop will dig deeper into farming practices and how the choices made in the farm can limit or enhance processing practices. SOME OF THE THINGS WE WILL COVER: Get to the root cause of underperforming coffee, Understand what causes imbalances in soil, Optimize mineral nutrition for ideal microbial activity, How soil health impacts cup quality.

Fundamental Processing Techniques for Producers

In this video, Lucia provides an overview of scientific concepts involved in coffee processing, focusing especially on microbiology and fermentation.

Processing Fundamentals for Cuppers

In this video, Lucia provides an overview of scientific concepts involved in coffee processing for Cuppers and green buyers to understand where coffee flavor comes from.