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Fermentation Training Camp

Sometimes my process is
best explained in person.

Diciembre 9-13, 2024

Antigua, Guatemala

este evento es bilingüe, en inglés y español


Nos hospedamos en un hotel en Antigua y cada día nos desplazamos 15 minutos hasta la finca donde se encuentra el beneficio. Estos transportes están incluidos en el ticket.

Iniciamos recibiendo la cereza que llega del campo como introducción a lo que será la semana de entrenamiento. Despulpamos y nos adentramos en el mundo de la fermentación de 3 estilos diferentes (Levadura o alcohólico, proceso desnudo y láctico).

Degustamos cafés preparados en el campamento anterior y tenemos un acercamiento con el cultivo. Revisamos las mejores prácticas y protocolos de secado, resolvemos preguntas frecuentes y finalmente concluimos con un espacio para debatir lo aprendido. Todo esto alternado con tiempos de clase donde revisamos la ciencia y el fundamento científico de lo que ocurre en el tanque de fermentación.

Es un taller práctico para cualquier persona interesada en conocer más a fondo el proceso. Por lo general asisten personas de diferentes partes del mundo como tostadores, productores, exportadores y entusiastas.

  • Processing best practices
  • Yeast fermentations
  • Multiple Processes
  • How to properly track fermentations
  • The science behind the action in the tank
  • How to choose which type of process to use
  • Best drying protocols
  • Troubleshooting problems
  • Avoiding common mistakes
  • How to scale small trials

¿Qué incluye el ticket?

  • 4 noches de hospedaje compartido - separado para hombres y mujeres
  • Alimentación completa
  • Tiempo de clase
  • Transporte desde y hacia el aeropuerto

$1500 USD

pedir un cupo para FTC-8info turismo de guatemala

* Si necesita cancelar su boleto, recibirá un reembolso completo dentro de los 14 días posteriores a la compra

** Reembolso del 65% después de 14 días desde la compra

*** Este es un evento privado, que requiere reservas de alojamiento y transporte con mucha anticipación.

We discuss the importance of cherry selection

We will learn what happens in the tank during fermentations

We will study best drying practices

We will explore alternative processes and learn when is best to use them.

Classroom time is very important to understand the science behind your processes

And one of the most important parts, spending time with awesome coffee people.

Training Camp
Sept 12–16, 2022

Take your processing to the next level, by coming to learn directly from me at our wet mill in Santuario, Risaralda, Colombia.

You will come to Colombia and process coffee with me from start to finish. We will cover:

  • Processing best practices
  • Yeast fermentations
  • How to properly track fermentations
  • The science behind the action in the tank
  • How to choose which type of fermentation
  • Best drying protocols
  • Cupping different fermentation styles

Your ticket INCLUDEs:

  • 5 days of in-depth learning with Lucia
  • 4 nights of lodging
  • Transportation to & from the Pereira airport
  • All meals during the week
  • Hands-on processing practice


Training Camp
July 18–22, 2022


Training Camp
Sept 12–16, 2022

Take your processing to the next level, by coming to learn directly from me at our wet mill in Santuario, Risaralda, Colombia.

You will come to Colombia and process coffee with me from start to finish. We will cover:

  • Processing best practices
  • Yeast fermentations
  • How to properly track fermentations
  • The science behind the action in the tank
  • How to choose which type of fermentation
  • Best drying protocols
  • Cupping different fermentation styles

Your ticket INCLUDEs:

  • 5 days of in-depth learning with Lucia
  • 4 nights of lodging
  • Transportation to & from the Pereira airport
  • All meals during the week
  • Hands-on processing practice


Training Camp
July 18–22, 2022


FTC 9: Guatemala
January 20-24, 2025

Antigua, Guatemala
English only!

este evento es bilingüe, en inglés y español


Hands-on coffee processing hosted at Rueda Farms in Antigua, Guatemala. During the workshop we will cover:

  • Processing best practices
  • Yeast fermentations
  • Multiple Processes
  • How to properly track fermentations
  • The science behind the action in the tank
  • How to choose which type of process to use
  • Best drying protocols
  • Troubleshooting problems
  • Avoiding common mistakes
  • How to scale small trials

Your ticket INCLUDEs:

  • 5 days of in-depth learning with Lucia
  • 5 nights of shared lodging
  • Transportation to & from the airport
  • All meals during the week
  • Hands-on processing practice

PRODUCERS: $1500 usd
OTHERS: $2000 usd

Click below to request a ticket.

Request a spot for FTC-9Guatemala TOURISM INfo

* If you need to cancel your ticket, you will receive a full refund within 14 days from purchase

** 65% refund after 14 days from purchase

** No refunds will be given within 60 days of the event

*** This is a private event, that requires lodging & transportation reservations far in advance***

We discuss the importance of cherry selection

We will learn what happens in the tank during fermentations

We will study best drying practices

We will explore alternative processes and learn when is best to use them.

Classroom time is very important to understand the science behind your processes

And one of the most important parts, spending time with awesome coffee people.

FTC 1: July 2022 (Colombia)

FTC 2: September 2022 (Colombia)

FTC 3: January 2023 (Colombia)

FTC 4: June 2023 (Indonesia)

FTC 5: December 2023 (Guatemala)

FTC 6: February 2024 (Guatemala)

Check out all of my videos.

Microbiologia para Cafe

Este Video es en español para productores. En este video, Lucia ofrece un resumen de los conceptos científicos involucrados en el procesamiento del café, centrándose especialmente en la microbiología y la fermentación.

Worms & Germs

This year’s workshop will dig deeper into farming practices and how the choices made in the farm can limit or enhance processing practices. SOME OF THE THINGS WE WILL COVER: Get to the root cause of underperforming coffee, Understand what causes imbalances in soil, Optimize mineral nutrition for ideal microbial activity, How soil health impacts cup quality.

Fundamental Processing Techniques for Producers

In this video, Lucia provides an overview of scientific concepts involved in coffee processing, focusing especially on microbiology and fermentation.

Processing Fundamentals for Cuppers

In this video, Lucia provides an overview of scientific concepts involved in coffee processing for Cuppers and green buyers to understand where coffee flavor comes from.

Join me on this processing journey.

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